
Marketing & Event Ninja

Name: Graham King

Born at a very young age and introduced to gaming even before that, Blackstar has always nurtured a love for gaming.  From Zool, Twin Worlds & Mad Professor Moriarty on the family Archimedes to Batman Arkham Origins, Halo 4 & GTA 5, via Quake, Counter-Strike, Command & Conquer and many others his journey has been long and varied, but worth every click, every enemy blown away, every virtual battlefield conquered!

Nowadays being a software engineer the last thing he wants to do in his off hours to code, he leaves that to the resident web monkey, Slydave.  Instead he spends his time between events drip feeding the masses tBG news via Facebook, Twitter & the like as one of tBGs media moguls and organising those fantastic tBG Saturday night pub quizzes and video play lists.  

If something needs doing, and needs doing right now, Blackstar's your man..

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